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A Resource for Anyone and Everyone
We are dedicated to making learning English fun and easy. These resources are crafted to make it easier for children to advance in their studies. The pace is simple, children should do one print a day. The prints are to take no longer than five minutes, and often will take less time. However, it should inspire them to want to study more by building their confidence. Children will find the prints fun to do, and so will be inspired to challenge themselves.
お子様のための英語への入り口の第一歩 すべてのお子さんが学べるために 私たちは、英語の学習を楽しく、そして簡単に学べる事を第一に考えて います。 この教材はまさに、英語の興味への第一歩となるでしょう。 内容はとても簡単です。お子様に 1 日 1 枚のプリントをやらせてあげ て下さい。最初は 5 分ほどで完了できると思います。やっていくにし たがい、徐々に 1 枚のプリントの完了時間が短くなっていき、プリン トを学ぶ事の楽しさ、そしてそれがお子様への自信へとつながって英語 へのレベルアップとなっていく事でしょう。
Beginner, Level 2 and Level 3
Monthly prints
More prints available every month
Building your confidence. Challenging yourself. Expressing your creativity. These are just some of the by-products of learning and practicing a new language. Children can learn skills that will help them in later stages in life.

Go at Your Own Pace

Achieve Personal Goals